Visitor Policy

All visitors to MYA, including parents, are required to ring the doorbell, identify himself/herself and the destination and wait to speak to the secretary and hear the buzzer before entering the building. MYA staff members have been advised not to hold doors open for any visitors but to advise them of our policy and to close the door behind them.


All visitors to MYA, including parents, are required to enter the building via the front entrance located on 48th Street. Visitors who attempt to enter via any other doors will be turned away and redirected.


All visitors to MYA, including parents, are required to sign in at our front desk, wait to be announced and then proceed to the MYA Main Office to check in.


All visitors to MYA, including parents, who need to travel to another location in the building will receive a visitor’s badge and be escorted by a member of our support team.


Parents are not permitted to visit classrooms without first speaking with the principal regarding a set appointment.


Parents are not permitted to visit our floors, our auditorium, our gym or our cafeterias without first checking in the principal. This protocol excludes school events such as concerts, parent meetings, awards assemblies etc. which are being held in any of these locations.