Uniform Policy


All students attending must be in full uniform daily beginning on the first day of school. MYA scholars must wear MYA gear every day. Scholars are permitted to wear any MYA top and any MYA bottom from the list below:


There are no specific requirements for shoes. Scholars may wear appropriate footwear of any color. No crocs, slippers, slides, or open toed shoes allowed.



Scholars must wear gym clothing (gym t-shirt, joggers, mesh shorts) on days when they participate in physical education, as directed by health/PE teacher Mr. Doctry. They are also permitted to wear MYA gym attire from the list above on non-gym days.



Students are never permitted to wear any of the items listed below:

  • Hooded sweaters or sweatshirts
  • Large earrings, heavy necklaces, or bracelets.
  • Bandannas or scarves in the hair or around the neck
  • Gloves
  • Sunglasses
  • Shoes without backs, Crocs, slides, open-toed shoes, flip flops, sandals, slippers
  • Any other tee shirt or golf shirt other than the MYA shirt
  • Any other tie other than the MYA tie
  • Sweaters or cardigans that are not uniform compliant (navy for grades 6&7, grey for grade 8)
  • Large pocketbooks, purses, or fanny packs

Although students may wear sweaters, hooded sweaters and sweatshirts into the building for various weather-related reasons, all such items must be stored in lockers BEFORE students enter their first period classroom.


Please visit Cramers to purchase our uniform:

5226 Market St.
Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 215-307-3829
Hours: MON/TUE/FRI/SAT 10:30AM – 6:00 PM



For questions about our uniform policy and donation inquiries, please contact Ms. James (pjames@philasd.org).